Saturday 21 August 2010


I feel like a weights been lifted off my shoulders today. Just got a message from my University saying they're delighted to accept me onto the Journalism course. SO relieved.

The stress of trying to find a replacement University at the last minute would have made me go insane.

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Results Day

Phew. I got my results in the early hours of this morning and they went pretty good! Thankfully I've done enough to secure a place on the course I wanted to join at University.

I ended up having to go to an Internet Cafe which was pretty scary. Sat at 'Terminal 4' and tried logging on, but obviously everything was in Spanish. I guessed at what to click and ended up on the Internet. The original plan was to check my college website using my mobile phone but for some reason it wasn't accepting my login details. That was the last thing I needed.

I had a bad feeling about the whole morning too. The worst storm I've ever seen hit the area where we were staying just because I headed out to the Internet cafe. Not exactly a good omen, is it?

Still - I'm relieved, pleased, and exhausted. Yay?

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Results Eve

Results tomorrow. Not feeling so confident anymore. Looks like It'll be a miserable end to the holiday if I'm not too chuffed!

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Over the Hills

Travelling over to the other side of the mountain our villa overlooks tomorrow for a little exploration session and a bite to eat.

We've been there before and it's an odd place. On one side you've got the nicely kept, posh restaurants and coastline and abit further inland is a more enclosed centre walkway that I've always felt nervy walking down. The fact it's poorly lit, combined with the fact I've watched enough horror films to give me an idea of where nutcases lurk ensures I won't be going down there again out of choice.

I'm probably being over-the-top as usual. It's probably not as dangerous as I think.

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Get my A-Level results the day after tomorrow. Oh. My. God.

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I've taken about 8 Nurofen today to combat the ear infection. The little white capsules of hope seem to be doing the trick, although I'm feeling abut drowsy. Now I mention it, I suppose I feel like I'm trying to hibernate in a tree and some lumberjacks starting up his chainsaw and woken me up.

Does that make any sense? Probably not.

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Eardrops arrived. I can't hear a thing now. Bloody swimming pool. Looks like I'll be spending the last few days in Spain with my head against a table tilted to one side so the eardrop fluid flows deep into the head.

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